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Campingpark Greifensteine
Camping am Greifenbachstauweiher
Bungalows am Greifenbachstauweiher
Camping am Greifenbachstauweiher
Freizeitangebote am Greifenbachstauweiher



Campingpark Greifensteine GmbH
Max-Wenzel-Straße 9
09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf

Type of business: GmbH (LLC)
Proprietor: City of Ehrenfriedersdorf

CEO: Assessor jur. Konstantinos Apostolopoulos

Founded: 29/06/1990

Telephone: +49 37346 1303
Fax: +49 37346 1218

Register court: Chemnitz District Court
HRB No: 769

Chairman of the AGM:
Silke Franzl

Tax No.: 217/108/00631
Finance Authority: Annaberg-Buchholz

Realisation and hosting:
BUR Werbeagentur GmbH


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We endeavour to ensure the accuracy and currency of all information and data contained on our website. However, no liability or guarantee is assumed for the currency, accuracy and entirety of the information and data provided. Under no circumstances will liability be assumed for damages arising from usage of the information retrieved. We reserve the right to make changes or amendments to the information or data provided without prior notice.

2. Linking
We have placed links to other websites on our website. The following applies for all these links: We expressly emphasise that we have no influence over the design and content of the linked pages. We are not responsible for the content of such websites accessed via an electronic link. If third party rights are breached by this content, we expressly distance ourselves from the content of these sites. This declaration applies for all links placed on and for all content of sites accessed via links.

3. Copyright
The homepage layout, graphics used, as well as collection of articles, are copyrighted. The pages may only be copied upon consulting us first. Changes may not be made, and copied sections may not be distributed or used for public reproductions. The copying of information or data, particularly the use of texts, text sections and image material, requires our prior consent.

4. Data protection information:
Your emails and the online forms are forwarded to us without additional locking technology. All information sent may therefore be viewed by third parties during transmission. As a precaution, you should not send any passwords, credit card numbers or other information you wish to remain confidential. Due to the lack of technological standards, no guarantee can currently be made for the integrity of the data.

© Campingpark Greifensteine GmbH    Telephone 037346 1303
zum Impressum Impressum    zur Datenschutzerklärung date protection    zur Campingplatzordnung Campingplatzordnung    zur Bade-und Besucherordnung Bade- und Besucherordnung
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